This is fantastic! Thank you. “All we can do is thrash” is now my new mantra.

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I love the concept of the creative spectrum. Everyone should be empowered to explore their creativity (if they want to), not just those with the resources and/or conditions to make that possible.

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Ooooh yay! Big Emily Flake fan over here. And this quote is so very YES, THIS EXACTLY: "I spent most of each day just panicking and yelling at myself. I think probably 85% of my work time is still panicking and yelling. It kills me to think of how much time I’ve wasted and continue to waste, between the self-excoriation activities and, you know, the internet."

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"I identify with people who just want to write and make their art and do their thing, whatever that looks like for them, wherever they are." - this feels like the high five I needed today! Thank you Jami 🌟

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

Thanks for exposing me to Emily Flake, I've never (knowingly) seen her work before. Always love to hear two creative people supporting each other and talking about interesting shit. 👍

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

Gosh, I love Emily Flake. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

Oh! This was just what I needed today! Just pre-ordered the deck and subscribed to St. Nell's newsletter. After reading through the interview twice, I copied "all we can do is thrash" in my notebook. I am thrilled to read in comments how many of us panic and yell! Usually I kick myself in the butt about this behavior...now I can laugh instead. Thank you, Jami and Emily, for this great start to my day!!

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I love decks. And I love Emily Flake.

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