Apr 29, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Thank you for sharing the slack link again! I was trying to find it and couldn't. I am circling back to the novel I started LAST year for 1000 words of summer. Last summer, I got about 40,000 words done - the shape of the story, but there was a slew of research that I needed to do. So, I've been focused on that over the past year (in addition to loads of other things, pandemic life as a parent and running a company, that have taken time and attention). Over the past year, though, I've solidified the time period for the book (part of my research) and just need to settle on the nitty gritty area of geology that my lead will be part of.

I'm so excited to get back to this story and looking forward to this. Like you, my story is inspired by real life. At the start of the pandemic, I wrote my great-aunt. She and my great-uncle traveled the world. He was a geologist. I wanted to collect more of their stories. I sent her a letter (old-fashioned) and one afternoon she called. We spent the next hour swapping travel stories and from the seeds of two of her stories, this book was born. I'm a bit in love with it and planning to write Aunt Carol again soon!

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I love this enthusiasm! And this story sounds like it's so fulfilling! Good luck!!

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Thanks. It's a bit of a murder mystery (a maybe murder), actually (not that my Aunt or Uncle killed anyone) and such a fun departure from my previous project which was historical speculative fiction drawing on 10 years of genocide. Amidst the pandemic, I felt that I needed something much lighter, so an adventure novel about a woman scientist in the 1920s was born.

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So excited! Thank you.

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Thank you Jami! I'm ready for my second go with #1000wordsofsummer and am still revising all that I wrote (memoir and flash cnf)(plus met a writer pal I adore) in the 2020 #1000wordsofsummer. When I landed in NYC in 1996 Up In the Old Hotel was the first book I carried around in my neon green jansport backpack. It kept me company as I learned to navigate the subway system while hitting temp jobs. Missing your stop and/ or waiting on the wrong side of the platform = so much time to read that amazing book. I absolutely loved today's backstory on your book. I'll be reading it as a reward for finishing this round of revisions. Someday soon, I hope to post something in the success stories.

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I just came on to ask the same question, so it's not just you!

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Hi! Yes the link expires after a while, here's a fresh one. https://join.slack.com/t/1000wordsofsummer-hq/shared_invite/zt-r18ccvn4-tH3abr4RIgWJCowrJB3B7g

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May 23, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Woohoo! Excited to get writing. Thanks for creating this community.

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