Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

“…to wring from the ether a never before imagined sequence of language that never would have existed if not for my being here at this precise moment, working against the eclipsing momentum of quotidian living—well, that is the magic I have known.”

Gorgeous and inspiring.

I was at the morning event yesterday and found that inspiring, too! Thanks for all you do, Jami.

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Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

Yes, gorgeous and inspiring! My jaw dropped as I read that passage. So beautifully written.

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I missed the first day due to a long travel day but I'm catching up and writing two today! I loved the Franz Wright quote. It reminded me of when I met him in college... let's see...oh, about 45 years ago.

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Just subscribed to your Substack. I love Mexico and want to learn about Belize, and you.

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My god Kaveh Akbar is such a stunning writer. As a fellow Iranian, I have devoured and cherished his poetry, and have been in the library queue for his novel for some time—it's popular, but I am 69th in line! I don't often get to read stories about my culture, as they are not especially prevalent in the literary world, and am thusly grateful for his words.

This is my first year doing 1000 words of summer (surpassed 1000 words on both days!). I am a working writer and a 4x self published author who is experiencing major creative blocks for a myriad reasons. I'm here to make a deeper commitment to myself and my work, push through my creative blocks, and gain a sense of community. I have been writing alone for so long, it's nice to be in the company of others.

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You are really in a treat with his book. It is so special.

Glad you are joining us this year! Hope it is a productive one!

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1,570 words, new story, new energy, the very best feeling. "Naming it magic doesn't make it not magic." LOVE. Onward!

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Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

1,096 today, mostly this evening after Sunday chores. Like yesterday, I decided upon an entry point and went from there. Trying to use #1000wordsofsummer to progress a debut novel that’s circa 40k at the moment will be approximately halfway through if I can maintain the word count throughout this fortnight. So grateful to have somewhere to come at the end of a session - like there’s thousands of kindred spirits all pulling in the same direction. :-)

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40k is such a great place to be! Good luck tomorrow!

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Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

Thanks Jami!

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934 words so far today. So close.

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"But to write, to wring from the ether a never before imagined sequence of language that never would have existed if not for my being here at this precise moment, working against the eclipsing momentum of quotidian living—well, that is the magic I have known. "

THANK YOU for putting this to words! You made my why shift into focus! That IS magic!

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Gorgeous and inspiring words. Thank you as always for creating this space for us. I wrote my thousand words today....working on an essay for an anthology I want to be in. Onward... all of us together!

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Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

SoSoSo much inspiration around every corner, on every page! Yesterday at the live event being in the room with so much writing energy was truly wonderful as is your generous spirit, wisdom, and sense of humor, Jami (also loved your shoes)! Thank you beyond for all of that and for this community! Now, on I go to the 1,000 words today with Kaveh and Franz on each shoulder! Yours, Lauren (she of the blue hair that got to chat with you briefly at the event.)

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Jun 2Liked by Jami Attenberg

"The pain of discipline or the pain of regret"--that's great. I have a long, full day ahead of me, with commitments I welcome, and at the end of it, I'll know which pain to choose. I hope.

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"To write is the magic into which I have deposited my living." Ahhhh I feel the resonance of that. I've honestly fought fully depositing my magic to writing because I bought the age old belief that art isn't enough... thank you for sharing these words. Hit me right in the center 💫❤️

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tbh I wasn't feeling it today and this -- "there’s nothing easier in this world than not writing" -- helped me turn it around against the "creative inertia of doing literally everything else". Thank you ❤️

Day2 = 1,021 words 🥳

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