β€œAt least half the time, my writing brain, I regret to say, is a recalcitrant sub. And I, its theoretical owner, feel often like a sciatic and unenthused domme. On the bad days, my brain tops me from the bottom.” I am 100% here for this allegory. Thank you for the early morning cackle of joy that reading this brought to my life.

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The number of times I reread this email! Yes, even during never-ending zoom calls (some of then were video-on type of stupidity). And then - boom! I sat and wrote almost 2,000 words. My stupid, beautiful brain! You’re impossible!!!

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I must check out this Duke of Burgandy just so my recalcitrant sun brain has something else to distract it:-) 1000 words today to remember the times I dallied with being a woman of leisure. Thanks for hosting:-)

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God that was awesome. To help them to understand their responsibility for their reading attention, I have long told my students that their brain was like a toddler they could trick and coax (as so many had responsibility for younger siblings--they knew exactly what I meant). Or wild horses we had to corral from the highlands -- β€œbreaking” them overtime to the bit and the lead. (That spoke to my experience but grabbed their imagination.) This is a whole β€˜nother territory! A useful metaphor just for me :-) Now to it! πŸ“―πŸ“―πŸ“―

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Well, that was...refreshing! All This Could Be Different is in my book pile, so I'll be moving it to the, um, top. Now to reconsider the relationship between my writing 🧠 & me.

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Glad to be staying with it. Getting words on paper that surprise me each day. Appreciate the motivation and inspiration .

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I loved reading this, because I spent so much time last year tricking my brain to keep working on my book--I just didn't have the language for it. Glad to have it now and will hold onto it forever!

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This is very good food for thought: I have been thinking for a while today! I walked a lot under the sun and some scenes came to my mind apparently unrelated. But then, while taking notes, I am sure, I will come up with something.

Happy Summer solstice All :)

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Love this so much: β€œ How might you trick your stupid and beautiful brain, capable of so much, possessing stories only she and you can animate and bring into the world? The tricking is needfully bespoke: every brain is different. Your task is to provide what works for yours: the correct proportion of perception, guidance, incentive, reward, discipline, authority.”

Today’s letter really resonated with me, since the last few days have been a battle with the brain. But yesterday, as I battled on, knowing I was writing garbagey not good stuff and plowing on anyway, I GOT AN IDEA. Brain, you really came through for me!

So this morning, for the first time in a few days, I sat down to write and was excited about what lay ahead.

And then I wrote the whole scene/episode, 1,572 words, and made myself cry.

And I thought, β€œthanks, Brain!” And now I’m so excited to keep working on this novel in progress tomorrow. Having something to look forward to the next day is really helping me keep the momentum going.

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loving Jami's & guest artists' inspiring words! Bonus - bought another #1000 words of summer t-shirt

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I LOVE this analogy!

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I didn’t love what I wrote this morning, but I know that’s part of the process too.

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Not sure what it was about today but hit a bit of a breakthrough and the writing just flowed. Went back to an old idea and found a new path. Love this process. Hope others are finding their way as well!

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I want this! My brain thanks yours.

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I am so grateful for touching on a word I don’t know to have it defined for me. And I’m grateful for each day’s guest to inspire me to consider differently how to embark on these #1000wordsofsummer!

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β€œIt’s giving PREMISE, honey.” πŸ’€πŸ’• my drive for today is wanting someone, someday, to say that about my work!!

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