Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

I haven't written a word since October 7th, but yesterday the sunrise reminded me that after Trump's victory I promised myself that I would not forget beauty. So thank you for this and I will try to begin to write and to read again.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

Susan, I know what you mean. Immediately pulled out my almost ignored notebook and wrote. The pain of October 7 has shadowed me, too, for the past couple of months. But I wrote a little, and rejoiced a little. I'm trying to follow Jami's advice and resume a daily practice

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Thank you, Kresha. Maybe we can all help each other do that over the next few weeks. Thank you, Jami for getting us started.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

“When I am not writing, I am not taking care of myself.” ❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟

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Thank you for thinking of us and sending this, Jami! Especially while you're deep in copy edits :) And thanks for all the comments so far. It's hard for me to sit down and write in good times, so it feels extra silly when there is so much mayhem and pain in the world, and we have a front row seat.

This reminded me that I don't know how to do anything else, so I may as well stick to what I know...

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Thank you for the beautiful reminder that writing for writing sake matters. I've been keeping good company in my journal these days. I love the affair we're having (me and my journal).

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

Jami, thank you so much for this letter this morning. I really needed it now. As much as I’m sure you can imagine. 💖. Can hardly wait for my copy of #1000 words!

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Thanks for this. It's so easy to let the weeks slip by. I've made several attempts to get myself on a regular writing schedule these last few months, but something always interferes, from plumbing to health to family issues. Insomnia's a big one. I like to write in the mornings, but if I haven't slept, I'm good for nothing. I've given myself permission to take the rest of December off, try and get my health back on track, get through the sadness of the season (my entire immediate family, three parents and three brothers have passed on), start fresh in the new year. I'm in the early stages of a memoir and am thinking I may need to start over (sigh). I could work on some poems in the mean time, and my substack, just to keep my feet wet. Nice to touch base with fellow writers.

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Even just this comment was a nice start, Pips. Hope you get through the next few weeks with relative ease.<3

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Thanks, Jami. Appreciate the good wishes. Happy holidays to you and yours.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Jami Attenberg

You always seem to write exactly what I (and others) need to hear. Sometimes I feel like you’re this friendly, grounded, resourceful neighbour and that just by me watching you over the fence produce and do and putter inspires me and gets me off my butt! Thank you, Jami. Looking forward to your book! Good luck with final edits.

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Thanks Sabina!

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This really resonates for me. I also feel that when I’m not writing I’m somehow lost to myself. Even if it’s not writing that is about me or how I feel. Just the doing of it centers me. And it’s hard to make time for it when it’s not for a book or something for other people. So I loved your being able to articulate the way it feels like what one needs to do. Thank you.

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Thank you, Jamie. As always, a much appreciated and inspiring post. As I'm in the middle of apartment-hunting, my writing schedule is nonexisting.😊🙈 But I bought my ticket (and book) for your January 11th event in Brooklyn. Can't wait!!!🩷

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Love this image of all the notebooks, piling up like the last days of the year. Thanks for the reminder to keep it up, and write more than a sentence or two. I miss doing that! And thanks for posting dog pics. Writing without a dog this time of year isn't nearly as nice as writing with one. :)

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Thanks for this post, Jami, and how true it is that we need to remember to write. Every day, for me, writing is as necessary as taking in good air or loving up my dogs. If I miss my journaling first thing in the morning, that daily dump truck download of any stuff in the way of a clear internal flow, I feel all scrambled up. These days, while the book launch is still getting most of my attention, I find my writing practice in essays about writing and publishing, what I've learned and am learning. So I use conversations with my Substack subscribers to keep my practice honest. I have another novel coming out in April, which feels like insanity but in a good way, so this particular train will continue for a bit longer. My short stories are waiting for revision but I'm content that I am writing, very regularly, for now.

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