Jul 6Liked by Jami Attenberg

I love this! My friend has offered me her apartment just a few blocks away and I’m thinking of it as a residency too!

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What a cool gift. It’s been insanely hot so many places this week and I have the slightly angry brain fried feeling you describe. My brother in northern CA is having 120 degree heat but dry. Here in NH it’s high 80s with 98 percent humidity which feels worse. Being alone in a cooler place is everything to my creativity. I also loved the bookshelves of others. How inspiring. It would bring forth much curiosity. My only question: did your pup come along?

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Jul 9Liked by Jami Attenberg

Jami, I am thrilled that you found the respite you craved in that special spot in Brooklyn that is my hometown. I may have moved to Boston back in 1979, but Bay Ridge never left me. And that bridge!!

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LOVE this post. The gift of space & a new perspective. I wonder if there's a dedicated writer-space where people could offer space-swaps. That would be awesome. And also: being in a non-hot place after being a humidly hot place is like a gift from the gods.

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This piece resonated with me strongly. "The gift of space is tremendous." INDEED.

I was in my own empty house for a week recently which felt like a change for me. Change of scenery is a good thing for Writers.

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Empty house/apartment residencies are the best! Sometimes I dogsit for my sister for this pleasure. Once, when I had one big and two littles living with me, I did a weekend residency down the street and -- get this -- next door. Who knew the macrame artist's house next door would be the perfect spot? IT WAS. I'm attempting to crank out words during the heat wave, too. Happy writing! I'm going to hang up a new poster and pretend I'm at someone else's apartment. :)

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Brooklyn apartments can be heaven in the summer. Enjoy!

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