Such great advice for inner and outer preparation.

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Making a list of possible scenes--that advice was gold last time! Definitely making my list again for this time.

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+1 to this being a very effective strategy for me.

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Hi Jami, I'm really looking forward to this! Thank you so much for all the inspiration. :) I tried clicking on the Slack link, but it takes me to a Slack page that says the link is no longer active. Is there another way to join the Slack group?

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Try this one! And I'll update it in the post. (Slack is so fussy.) https://join.slack.com/t/1000wordsofsummer-hq/shared_invite/zt-2j9fujric-GZpdc4wgr9pLZmDs43SnGg

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That worked! Thank you so much :)

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I'm in the very early stages of brainstorming a new project, a delicate and wonderful time for my brain. I really want in on this but I know it's too soon for my process for me to be killing it with 1000 words a day. I'm considering - this is lame but bear with me - 1000 seconds a day (16 ish minutes lol) of focused dreaming into my notebook, building the story and the characters. And yes I bought my notebook already! I love the giant size (A4?) Leuchtturm.

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16 minutes x 14 days of focused dreaming sounds like it will build you a solid foundation for a new project. Go for it!

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How can we donate to support this specific project if we’re already on the paid SS?

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I have the same question!

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So much great advice here. The first time I did 1000 words of summer, I was working on a very early draft of a memoir and made a list of scenes ahead of time. That was hugely helpful to make it possible for me to meet the goal.

I’m still trying to decide what project I want to work on this time. On one hand, I’d love to dedicate the time to working on something I’m in the middle of. On the other hand, this is such a good opportunity for first-draft energy to emerge. So start a new project or make progress on a wip? Anyone have advice on this?

Also, anyone in the Corvallis, Oregon, area, who might want to meet up once or twice to take on this endeavor in cahoots?

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I'm in! I couldn't do the summer version, so this is so welcome right now. Thanks for the hot preparation tips, Jami.

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can someone please send me the slack invite as it says it is no longer active

Please and thank you

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I have the list of scenes-- just made short "mood" playlists for my characters.

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Having experience in the past years, your advice to Prepare now is spot on!

I’m starting act three of my novel, building my new cast of characters, and a scene list is a must. Thanks Jami!

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Hi Jami! I'm curious how you're thinking about travel during this 1k words - how are you approaching making a plan while traveling when things are kind of naturally subject to change?

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I'm not quite sure of the question here. Do you mean if someone is going on vacation how should they approach this project?

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