I'm dying here. I need to know what's going to happen with that sentence. Yes, of course, I want to know what the sentence is; but more so, I want to know how it's going to fare.

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So interesting that the word sentence can also mean to declare a punishment or the punishment itself! In your case, a sentence is setting you free!

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Sorry, I'll rephrase this. Please, Jami, what is the sentence? We really do need to read this sentence now... xxxx

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Beautiful post about the process, inside and out, that goes on with revision. One sentence is golden. Def a valuable guide. And what a gift, to have such creative forward motion (and time to rest too) in the clean air of the Pacific NW. What really grabbed me about your post was the endless solving of problems that we race into and through. I'm in that place right now, with my pup sleeping alongside, me envious of his ability to just let everything go.

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Guys it doesn't matter what the sentence was

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I love your writing about writing. And I also want to add that as a first time participant in #1000WordsOfSummer I miss it already!

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Welcome to my home, Jami, the Pacific Northwest. It's a beautiful time of year to be here. May the clear cool air nourish you and your project. Good luck!

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I'm dying over here too!! my exact thoughts, @book dreams. what is that sentence!! Also, I have to say, that flight attendant sounds amazing. Good luck, Jami! Hope the house sitting and writing goes well.

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Another person here in the PNW says "welcome!", and thanks for the post today. As always, perfect timing!

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I love this glimpse into your writing life. It's like breathing the fresh PNW air. Aw, you too. May the sentence and the revisions go well.

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Grateful for the way you share your process. This sentence feels to me like an illumination, a light for your path. Go forth!

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Thanks for sharing this step by step process of yours Jami. It's so helpful to hear - your willingness to just trust in your 'one good sentence', and let everything else flow from there, as an experiment. Because... isn't that what life is as well? Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don't, but without the trying, it's all just a big nothing, dontcha think?! I wish you all best with your writing in this period.

You're always giving us so much; here's my effort to give something to you - a recently published poem of mine titled 'Alter the Frequency', about the fact that, essentially, we're all made of stardust. A writer friend describes this poem as, "Kinda' like the love child of a prayer and a commencement speech." I'll let you decide for yourself, but I hope it brings you something!


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So brave and exciting for you! Sending all the support energy I can muster as you take on this wonderful challenge.

Can't wait to hear what that sentence is ☺️

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And I wish you luck too and lots of love. You are onto something great. Follow it. I love that you have found this sentence. Would love to know what it is, but your telling would dilute the preciousness and vibrancy of it. It's welling up big and right and good. We'll wait patiently for its unveiling in 2024.

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Sending you all good wishes for your work. Peace be with you.

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Perfect and needed for me as well, starting to tackle a revision of my own. My brain loves the figuring out, but sometimes I have to remember to leave room for moments like a sentence that become a guidepost.

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