Dear Jami, I swear, sometimes, it's like you're a witch. A good one, of course! It's been weird how consistently what you post speaks to exactly where I am. My son's moving out next week. I have such mixed feelings, but it's time. He does not at all interfere with my writing time--that's all me--but I know I could put in more time. When he leaves, I'm moving furniture in my little apartment & I'm taking his room for my workspace. Desk by the window with a view of the river. Planning to stretch myself & spend more time there. Thanks, as always, for the perfectly-timed post!

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How funny that we both said the same thing about the serendipitous timing of her posts.

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Adding to the choir here, but yes--thanks. I'm a super slow writer--and I doubt I'm writing _Pachinko_! But I'm consistent. I show up. Yes, things take as long as they need to take. Thank you!

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Beautiful truthful words. Again, perfect timing. I am beginning to think the universe speaks to me through you!

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Yes, it feels that way, doesn't it!

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Lucky us!

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Needed exactly this. Now I’m going to put my phone down, get out of bed, and get back to my outline. Thank you :-)

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This was lovely, and encouraging. I'm working on my first novel. I almost can't believe that I am saying that out loud to people. I mean, I'm a retired IT person, almost 64 years old, never published. But I am really having fun, and this story is in my mind all the time, and I'm listening to the universe and paying attention. When I'm at the thrift store dropping off donations or at the grocery store looking for oat milk and a thought comes to me, I make a note on my phone. And then later, I add it to my manuscript. I don't know where all these things go, or much about the characters yet, or what the main story is, but I know *some* things, and I learn a little bit more everyday. I'm just following the string to see where it leads me.

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It sounds like you're having such a nice time with it Maureen! So good to hear!

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😊 I can relate! My distractions are quite overwhelming at the moment as I will go on a little (or big) adventure. I will be traveling for 5 months from July on. I decided to say goodbye to the outrageous and super-busy NYC and move somewhere else. The dilemma is I don't know where my place is. I will begin with going to a writer's retreat in North Devon and then... not sure. But I promised myself to write daily at least 500 words. 💓

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Thank you Jami! I ran away from my husband and kids for a few days so I could work on my novel in a friend’s empty house. Of course I’ve been distracting myself ever since I got here. This is the nudge I need to get back to work.

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As usual Jami, you spoke directly to me. Just when I was on a roll writing my novel our condo was flooded by a neighbor’s dishwasher. I’m being literal. For an hour a waterfall of warm water rushed through our recessed lights blowing out electrical boxes left and right. My husband and I were evacuated, now exiles in a hotel for who knows how long. I am distracted by a hell storm Of insurance adjusters and their evil spirits. I miss my peaceful writing routine.

Thanks for understanding that we all go through events that distract us. I will return to my story as soon as I can. Pinky swear!

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Beautiful. As always. And for the first time in my writerly life, I’m actually feeling the opposite: writing with a looming deadline. All week I have ignored most distractions save for dog jogs and...laundry because like the mail it just never stops. I’m not sure I understand or like this forced writing process; what I’ve written seems smooth yet choppy and my writervoice keeps shifting. Your letter was a needed distraction. Soldiering on.

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Last night, I sat down an wrote a new opening to a project I've been working on for 6+ years. Start fresh, indeed. Thank you, as always, for making me feel I'm doing exactly what I need to do.

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Thank you - this is what I've been thinking about for months now, the void of not writing for a very long stint, the frustration with that, and knowing that it's really about me, my distractions and managing my time. Very hard to admit, but your post leaves no doubt! I love this newsletter and everything you write. xo Abby

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Thank you. I needed that today.

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I am not a writer as I’m having any project in the works. Ok. That’s a lie. I co-authored a book with my husband that is a resource volume. He insisted that it get published on a certain timetable (which I complied with but didn’t like). That timetable forced the publication (via Amazon) before I had the INDEX prepared!!! So that index is my project now and you’ve made me realize it and encouraged me to take a compassionate look at myself, clear my desk and get going! I love you!

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This hit me right in the middle of a ruminating spell about how I am going to pivot from my 9-5 job to being a writer if I don’t actually sit down and write. I was in the middle of many mental methods of beating myself down, and this alert popped up. I’m probably the 10th person to say this is just what I needed, but it really is. Thank you. It’s time to make time to write.

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