I love this, Jami! Reminds me of another quote I've heard (about relationships, but I think it applies to our ambitions as well): "If you're keeping scoring, you're already losing."

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I have a confession. Last night my fiancé (who I met in a writers group six years ago) met our friend (a published novelist we met in said group) for drinks at our neighborhood bar - Jackie Lees.

I was so surprised to walk in and see that you were giving a talk upstairs!! I couldn’t stay to see your talk because I had book club but I’m kicking myself for not coming over when you were at the bar or at least sending you a drink in thanks for all your wonderful work.

So consider this belated thanks! And I hope my neighborhood treated you right!

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Loved the meandering of this post. Like traveling.

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Throwing away my paperback of the Middlesteins in protest of this disrespect!

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This is a genius piece of writing Jami. Trust me. You landed the plane.

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