I like writing early in the morning too. Those first hours after sunrise. Cup of coffee and quiet house. Writing before turning on the TV, before anything has a chance to clog up my brain for the day. Thank you for reminding me of this. I had a successful session on Saturday, working on the memoir for the first time in a long time. Hope to make this a regular thing. Cheers.

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Kept this unread in my inbox after I read it and kept reading it until I got back to writing today (629 words!). Thanks for all of your thoughtful words

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Just the message I needed to read today. Also, those clouds!! Gorgeous.

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Insightful. Timely. Thanks.

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Great encouragement. I like "fight for that time." The need to write finds the moments. It's about cherishing them and recognizing that you are writing.

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Whew, I needed this reminder. I'm stopping the doom scrolling, pulling out a book to read over coffee (Olga Tokarczuk's The Empusium) and going to reset myself and get to writing. Appreciate you Jamie!

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Thanks you for this encouraging note !!

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Inspiration and reminders I need, thank you.

With running, as a running coach, I like to tell others and myself, "Never judge a run by its first mile." It's awkward, stiff, discouraging. But after the warmup, magic can happen; you can run places and go father than that first mile suggests. Same with getting back into a writing project and working past that first paragraph.

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love this!

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Thank you for this. These are much better words to have in my head than, to use Lamott’s term, the running commentary of KFCK. :-)

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I love the idea of memorizing a poem instead of staring at the phone. And the quiet morning writing time is a powerful portal to untethered creativity. It takes real discipline to get out of the cozy bed and get there!

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Jami, you gave me exactly what I needed this morning. Thank goodness!!! You are a long distance mind reader and I am most grateful you read my mind.

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This is a little more time-consuming but I really loved this piece about memorizing poems instead of looking at your phone and I genuinely believe this could have a healthy impact on your writing (gift link) https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/25/magazine/morning-ritual-poetry-memorization.html?unlocked_article_code=1.104.46QJ.5dWV7Y_g94Mu&smid=url-share

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