Thanks for this post, Jami. I struggled mightily with titling my book. I called it SAINT JOSEPH'S DAY and placed as a finalist in the 2019 Faulkner-Wisdom novel-in-progress competition, but beta readers (even the local NOLA Sicilians) thought it was "too Catholic." Nobody liked it but me. I settled on THE ITALIAN PRISONER, and I'm curren…
Thanks for this post, Jami. I struggled mightily with titling my book. I called it SAINT JOSEPH'S DAY and placed as a finalist in the 2019 Faulkner-Wisdom novel-in-progress competition, but beta readers (even the local NOLA Sicilians) thought it was "too Catholic." Nobody liked it but me. I settled on THE ITALIAN PRISONER, and I'm currently casting query letters into the void trying to hook an agent. So I'm glad to see your advice on the "the-blankety-blank" as a potentially successful title format!
Thanks for this post, Jami. I struggled mightily with titling my book. I called it SAINT JOSEPH'S DAY and placed as a finalist in the 2019 Faulkner-Wisdom novel-in-progress competition, but beta readers (even the local NOLA Sicilians) thought it was "too Catholic." Nobody liked it but me. I settled on THE ITALIAN PRISONER, and I'm currently casting query letters into the void trying to hook an agent. So I'm glad to see your advice on the "the-blankety-blank" as a potentially successful title format!
That does seem much stronger and more intriguing for sure! Good luck with it!
Love "The Italian Prisoner"!