I came late to Heavy; only read it last month. It is absolutely studded with single words and short phrases I had to make note of. Words you've heard a million times and somehow never used but suddenly seem like they can manage a humungous lift, like "meager". OMG MEAGER. What an amazing book.
I came late to Heavy; only read it last month. It is absolutely studded with single words and short phrases I had to make note of. Words you've heard a million times and somehow never used but suddenly seem like they can manage a humungous lift, like "meager". OMG MEAGER. What an amazing book.
I came late to Heavy; only read it last month. It is absolutely studded with single words and short phrases I had to make note of. Words you've heard a million times and somehow never used but suddenly seem like they can manage a humungous lift, like "meager". OMG MEAGER. What an amazing book.
That book is absolutely a poem.