Oct 7, 2020Liked by Jami Attenberg

I am saving your words for when I need a pep talk in the dark hours of revision. Thanks a bunch.

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I'm so glad! <3

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Jami Attenberg

I so needed this, thank you. I tend to write in huge bursts and then feel overwhelmed about returning to revise and proceed. this really feels like a great pep talk to read each time.

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Oct 8, 2020Liked by Jami Attenberg

THIS... "The entire process of creating a book is one big conversation with the world. Writing is when I figure out what I want to say to the world, and revising is when I figure out the best way to say it."

I'm in deep revision mode for my memoir right now, and I find this really inspiring. Great perspective. Thank you Jami!

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Oct 8, 2020Liked by Jami Attenberg

This is so helpful. Thank you!

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Oct 8, 2020Liked by Jami Attenberg

I think every writer wonders: am I doing this thing right? Is this the right way? And I think the answer is yes. Whatever way you’re doing it, is right for you. Just keep giving it your all. Great tips on the revision process.

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Late to the whole asking a question bit, but I had question about tense. Present or Past? I used to always write in past and in fact was bothered by books that wrote in the present but now my current WIP was written in present tense for the most part. Is there a preferred tense? That is easier for the reader or more attractive to agent/editor in your opinion? My WIP is fiction. I finished the first draft and am starting revisions thinking getting the tense straight should be a big one. Thank you.

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