Yes, the light is changing here in North Florida, too. The sun rises a little further to the south, casting different shadows, too.

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Thanks for the nudge to open in-progress work. I have three messy documents that contain writing on an idea I'm starting to recognize as a novel. One was written during 1000words this June. Collectively they're all over the road and I've been putting off looking at them, not confident I'll find a throughline.

I read them all this morning after reading your post, highlighting the bits that have energy. It's a new practice for me, finding that things I've written are worth highlighting. This idea is worth tending, thanks for bringing me back to it.

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I'm in Berlin temporarily and OBSESSED with the changing light! It's different now than it was 2 months ago when I arrived and totally different from Durham NC where I usually live. Appreciate the connection between light and our unfinished work!

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Loved this post by @Jami Attenberg today. I just came off of a book pub year and took the summer to get my bearings again, and last night my writers group met by zoom and I'm up next to share and get feedback. They are a wonderful group, four of us, and I hate to say no. But I'm toast, still. But . . . your post today made me start to wonder what short piece I have unfinished that I'd like to plunge into. Even though it feels like way too much work for right now, with all that's happening and all I'm recovering from. Thanks for opening the door, though, even slightly.

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Autumn and new books. Whoohoooo! I loved your new book and will be reviewing it soon. Congratulations!

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Jamie, So much good stuff in today's note. I liked learning that you take pictures walking around your neighborhood. What a great idea for reluctant walkers who may want or need purpose. Photographing what you see each day is like making a documentary of the world you inhabit.

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When will you visit us in Northern California?

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