One of my favorite charities is the Grey Muzzle Organization. They fund dog rescues and dog welfare orgs that help senior dogs. Senior dogs are much harder to adopt out, and they face health issues that can be expensive. Even routine dental care can be difficult to fund. I have been personally involved with this foundation, and they are fiscally sound, well-managed, and utterly professional. https://www.greymuzzle.org/

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I’m sorry I went straight to the recommendation. Indeed, the org you’ve supported is tremendous and does our hearts good!

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No we'll take 'em! Thank you!

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Thanks for sharing this, Connie. I adopted a senior 10 years ago. He developed degenerative myelopathy in the last three years and had to get a wheelchair & do water therapy, but he was the best boy in the world. We let him go last January, and I miss him every day. This group looks amazing.

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Thank you for the great work you're doing with the book fair!

Might I recommend folks support their local prison book program? These nonprofits send books to people incarcerated in prisons and jails across the United States because they believe access to books and education are human rights, and they are fighting an uphill battle against the largest book ban in the nation. You can find a program that serves your state here: https://prisonbookprogram.org/prisonbooknetwork/. And a special shout out to the Appalachian Prison Book Project (https://appalachianprisonbookproject.org/).

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This is such an amazing feat. Thank you for sharing it with us. It really IS nice to see smiling children.

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Transanta is my favorite holiday charity. https://instagram.com/transanta - you can make the season for trans youth by donating to a wishlist. Many of their stories are heartbreaking to read, of family rejection (and at times, being unhoused), or having to remain closeted. All the more reason to contribute and help create the world we want to live in. They are a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

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Wow this has made my day! These happy kids getting books - it’s lovely and we all get this community and you and so everyone wins. Thank you ❤️

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This definitely cheered me up. The little one on the far left of first picture, she's set to become something big, important and wonderful. :) Oh, but they're all pure dears.

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Well this made my day! Any organization or event that gets food, shelter, and books into the hands of those in need is worthy. Just keep doing what you're doing, and thank you.

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Jami, what an uplifting post, in every way! Congratulations on pulling this off so successfully. Sometimes great ideas don't always turn out as special as one imagines them, but this one sounded like it was just what you had hoped for. Thank you for sharing the photos...you made my day and now I'm going to look for a way to make someone else's day! Oh, and one of the charities near and dear to my heart is the Paws For Life Prison Program https://pawsforlifek9.org/paws-for-life-prison-program/ They do wonderful work finding homes for shelter dogs in the Los Angeles area, including senior dogs. But the work that brought them to my attention is the training program they run in the CA prison system...the men save the dogs and the dogs save the men.

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This is so great. Thank you Jami for your generosity and using this sub stack to help others in a meaningful way. (encouraging writers and also young readers). I like to give to DonorsChoose. https://www.donorschoose.org/

Donors can pick a teacher and project to help fund. I usually donate to projects where they are buying books and setting up little libraries in the classroom. One recent project bought books that the kids could own and take home. Feels great to help encouraging reading, especially in this screen-focused world (I write, as I’m staring at a screen…lol). Thanks again.

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Every. Student. Got. A. Book. That is FANTASTIC!! Jami, thank you for all you do to bring reading and writing to others.

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Beautiful. Thank you for helping us to give somewhere we can see the outcome. Or the beginning of the outcome. Coming from a former poor kid who grew up reading in libraries, this truly makes my day. I'm all about No Kid Hungry.

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Just want to say this is such a moving post. Seeing the smiling children made my day. Jami, you're the best! I so appreciate everything you do for writers, readers, dogs, kids and beyond! x

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I love seeing your own love of books from when you were just a toddler being passed on to others!

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Yes! Kids holding books and smiling! This is everything. Congrats on making the Fair for Everyone. :) I love the Morris Animal Foundation, they're trying to cure canine lymphoma (among other things) and basically every dog rescue in town (ODS, Street Dog Hero, One Tail at at Time, The Pixie Project) and the Sato Dog Project. Books, kids, dogs, repeat.

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Love this!!! Books are so important to kids which is why I support the Napa Bookmine Literary Foundation. https://www.napabookmineliteraryfoundation.org/

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These happy kids with books and smiles made my day! For suggested charity giving in New Orleans: Thrive New Orleans, an organization committed to racial equity by advancing new systems for economic opportunity, climate resiliency, and community stability. Thrivenola.org Elsewhere: Minis With a Mission, which provides opportunities for all people to receive the healing and joyful benefits of connection with rescued mini horses and donkeys. Miniswithamission.com

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