Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Very excited about this!

I'm working on a novel and have been writing 15 minutes a day with a normal output of around 200 words. I have a 5 year old and an 8 month old and a PT job and will be starting a Master's in Teaching program in June but will be trying my damndest to up my output to 1000 words/day. Don't think I can "take on" an accountability partner, but maybe I'm wrong? I just don't want to fail anyone when I inevitably miss some accountability check-in lol.

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Hi Erin! I’m also a mom and a teacher, taking some online classes right now for Ed Therapy, so in a similar boat. Never enough time! Just sold my first book and am looking to start on a new thing this summer. I’d be partners if you’re interested! I feel similarly to you in that I don’t want to gravely disappoint anyone else if life gets in the way, but we can maybe just do our best together! If you’re interested, feel free to drop me a note on email: kb1393 at NYU dot edu. If not, that’s okay too!

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Hi Erin and KB! i hope it's ok for me to jump in - i'm also working on a novel and also don't want to disappoint anyone re: accountability but would love to have someone(s) to check-in with. i work full-time with a pretty crazy schedule, but i've been doing about 400 words a day and will try to push that up to 1000. by end of may i think i'll be in the long middle so would love to try my best together with others! i'm at mpli at NYU dot edu if either of you are interested, and KB, if it's ok with you, i may reach out to you?

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Please do!

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It's an accountability team lol! I'm elfortenberry@gmail.com - will reach out to both of you.

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I love this so much!

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Mar 22, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Thank you so much for doing this again! Last summer it pretty much saved my life, living in that story, and I never stopped. It will be wonderful to be back here where it started.

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Mar 22, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Excited to try this for the first time! Today I'm starting my own personal #500WordsOfSpring to build up the muscle I need for #1000WordsOfSummer. I've been working on a novel on and off since 2019, and now will be doing some major work breathing some life into my main character. These Craft Talks are kind of my accountability check-ins, so thank you!!

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Great idea! When are you starting that?

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I started this on Monday (March 22nd), since I have the next 2-ish weeks off for spring break. Going alright so far, though it's still early days :)

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Mar 22, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Starting from scratch is the PERFECT theme.

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

I would love an accountability partner! I'm working on a non-fiction book about medical discrimination, and I'm based in the Eastern time zone. I'm happy to partner up with someone who's writing something totally different, so long as you don't mind reading what I'm writing. DMs are open on Twitter @traceylindeman

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Hi! I write non-fiction (personal essays, memoir) and your project sounds fascinating! I’m looking for an accountability partner too. I’ll hop over to Twitter to chat more :)

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Hi there! I've not done #1000wordsofsummer before but will join in this year. I'd love an accountability partner, too. I write creative nonfiction. Find me on Twitter: @TaraCurtisCre8s. DMs open.

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Hi, likers of my post! Hope to hear from you soon (see above for contact info).

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

I would love an accountability partner. I will be working on novel and live in Seattle if that matters.

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Hey, Beka! I’m also looking forward to this year’s challenge and am in Seattle. I’d love to connect. I enjoyed #1000wordsofsummer last year :)

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Hi! Want to email me? Rebekahjolson at gmail

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Yeah, that would be great! Thanks.

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Love this! This is the first year for me and really excited to participate! I live in Chicago and write CNF (memoir, personal essays mostly). I have some ideas kicking around but finding I need external motivation to stay committed. Would love an accountability buddy who also works in the nonfiction space.

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Hi, Christina. I write CNF and have one accountability buddy, but wouldn't mind another! I especially write essays as well. Twitter DM: @TaraCurtisCre8s or my contact form at taracurtiscreates.com.

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Hi, Christine. I’m also a Chicago writer of CNF. I’m working on a memoir and several essays. (Hello, quarantine brain! Focus has been tough.) it looks like you may already have accountability buddies. But if not, or if you are all doing a group thing, feel free to DM me on Twitter: @MaeG765

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Mar 22, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg


As you opened up the comments, I wonder. Could you talk about what you do to protect your writing time? Not just making it happen, which is really a matter of will, but what you do to put your mind in the right place. I was really annoyed this morning about something dumb, for example, and it got in my way. Sometimes I notice I am doing to much editing or second guessing of the work and I have to stop myself. Or I get overwhelmed by what is wrong with it. What challenges you this way and what do you do with it?

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I will make coffee, but other than that it's the very first thing I do. No email no phone no talking to anybody. 😬🤷🏼‍♀️

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I have a baby who wakes up before anyone else, so that's not an option, but this passage from an interview with Ocean Vuong helps...


"I always bring this back to my students, as well. I said, “You’re working on a poem or a story, when you’re hitting a dead end, when it’s not going, take it with you. Get away from the desk.” It means something is not happening. It doesn’t mean you’re blocked — I don’t think writer’s block is real. I think it’s the mythos of capitalism — that you’re always supposed to be producing; this anxiety of being productive and quantifying your self-worth through page counts and word counts. So I said, “You’re working, but you have to work differently now. Now you have to work with your body. Maybe there’s questions you’re not asking. Maybe you have to recite this poem and walk with it.”"

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was just answering your question about what I do to protect my writing time. I get up very very early before my early rising kids and write every single day. That's the only secret I found that really works. Obviously ymmv.

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YMMV ha ha!!

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I will say that teaching my kids early that writing time is something important and to be respected has been a really successful strategy for me. While we are often together in the morning, they know that I am working on my "morning words" and to play until I'm done (this started when they were 3 and 6, obviously not babies!). ✅🎉

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That’s good to hear. My oldest is two and when someone says Mama’s working he says, what’s she working on, emails? Sad to say...

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I love this. Because I get "writer's block" but for my job that's not really writing. At some point my brain just gets too frazzled. So I get up and do something else that doesn't require much thought - take a walk, unload the dishwasher, etc. But I take a notepad with me. Because as soon as I stop focusing on "productivity" my brain unclenches, resets, and starts rolling again. I never thought to apply it to writing.

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Freedom app! Blocks the internet (or certain sites) for whatever amount of time you choose.

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Hi, any academics working on book projects? I want to approach my work with the spirit of a writer but have more pragmatic constraints than fiction writers might so would be glad to connect with someone in a similar situation. (I'm an art historian writing on 19th c France)

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That sounds like a great project!

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Hi I’m an art historian looking to use this time to power through final rewrites. I’d love to partner!

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Oh I should say DM me on twitter. @ periodeye

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

I'm trying to start a blog about cookbook design, and I find writing quite painful. An accountability partner could be helpful.

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I’ve been debating for at least two weeks posting a note that I’m looking for an accountability partner. I’m working on a novel that was nearly finished right before the Pandemic, but which has sat moldering since. Would love to work with someone. I live in Eugene, Oregon, so if someone is local and wants to socially-distance meetup, that would be even more awesome.

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Can't wait!

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

It’s always wonderful to have a challenge. I’m in the middle of a novel I started during NaNoWriMo last November. I write sporadically since I am also the “au mere” and learning partner for a kindergartner who is doing virtual school. I am one of a group of four writers who zoom- meet every month. We are tough, honest readers of each other’s work so I don’t an accountability partner but a two week challenge is the perfect push for me. Thanks!

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I am looking forward to participating in this for the first time. I have a novel idea that I want to start on, now that my film script is in edits. I am in Brooklyn/upstate NY and would love an accountability partner.

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hello, i've just started working on a novel and i'm also in nyc so would love to connect. will be doing it for the first time also, and although 1000 words a day will be a stretch for me, i think i could use the extra motivation. i'm at mpli at NYU dot edu if you're interested in connecting.

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Mar 21, 2021Liked by Jami Attenberg

Hello! I look forward to partaking in #1000wordsofsummer for the first time this year. I will be typing away from New Zealand where I am 25,000 words into a novel (a cosy murder mystery) and would welcome an accountability partner!

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